Application Status Codes

Status Code Status Description
1 Basic verification
3 Invoice ID has already been processed,
Order with this invoice ID ". $ İnvoice_id." process continues,
Please wait or create order with new invoice ID "
12 Items must be a array, Invalid Currency code, Invalid item format
13 Total of the product price ("5"), to the invoice total ("10") not equal
14 Merchant not found!
30 Invalid credentials
31 Transaction not found
32 Invalid invoice ID, order not completed
33 The amount must be an integer
34 Payment integration method is not allowed. Please contact support.
35 Credit Card Payment Option not defined
36 Pos not found
37 The POS Commission for the member business has not been set. Please contact the service provider
38 Merchant Commission has not been determined for this currency and payment method.
Please try another payment method
39 Commission not found
40 Installment not found
41 Order failed
41 Payment failed
42 Product price less than commission, Product price less than cost
43 Payment term is not set
44 This credit card has been blocked.
44 Merchant exceeded the daily transaction limit
45 Merchant exceeded daily transaction limit
46 Merchant exceeded monthly transaction limit
47 Merchant exceeded monthly transaction limit
48 Minimum transaction limit per transaction violated
49 Refund Failed,
Total refund amount should not exceed net amount,
Sales Process Not Found,
Insufficient Balance
Non-Refundable Transaction Status
Please wait at least 30 seconds for an other refund
Maximum transaction limit per transaction was violated
55 There can be no installment sales for recurring payments,
Recurring number cannot be empty,
Recurring number must be an integer,
Recurring number must be greater than 1,
Recurring number should not be greater than 121,
Recurring cycle cannot be null,
Recurring cycle unit is not valid. It must be "D", "M" or "Y",
Recurring range cannot be empty,
Recurring range must be an integer,
Recurring range must be greater than 0,
Recurring interval should not be greater than 99,
Invalid duplicate webhook key! Please check the key name in Paybull,
Duplicate webhook key cannot be empty. Please assign your webhook key to Paybull
56 Invalid sales webhook key! Please check the key name on Paybull
60 Merchants are not allowed to make transactions using this card.
68 Total amount mismatch with hash key
Currency mismatch with hash key
Merchant key mismatch with hash key
Mismatch between hash key and number of installments
Pos ID mismatch with hash key
Invoice ID mismatch with hash key
69 The order has not been processed yet
70 Card program mismatch
71 Recurring plan update failed, Invalid Response, or Unknown Error
72 Couldn't delete, Couldn't process old payment
73 Could not add duplicate plan card, Invalid Response, or Unknown Error
76 Foreign Cards Are Not Allowed For This Merchant.
76 Foreign Cards Are Not Allowed For This Merchant.
77 Foreign Card Commission has not been determined for this Member Workplace.
79 Merchants are not allowed to pay with card tokens.
80 Sub Member workplace not found
81 Currency conversion from API failed
85 Invalid character
86 Card token registration failed
87 Invalid token or customer number
88 The card token could not be deleted
89 The card token could not be updated
90 Invalid Hash key
91 Hash key that does not match the Merchant key
92 Hash key that does not match the customer number
93 Hash key that does not match the Cardholder's Name
94 Hash key that does not match the Card Number
95 Hash key that does not match the expiration month
96 Hash key that does not match the expiration year
97 Hash key that does not match the card token
99 Unknown error
100 Successful
101 Your refund request created successfully. Our team will complete the refund process
102 Pos not defined, Pos not found for this installment
404 Cancellation URL should not be blank